St. Paul's Canonry: Jonathan Brewster
The Queen has approved the appointment of Jonathan Brewster to a Residentiary Canonry of St. Paul's Cathedral.

The Queen has approved that the Reverend Jonathan David Brewster, MA, Vicar of Christ Church with St John and St Saviour, Highbury and Area Dean of Islington in the diocese of London, be appointed to a Residentiary Canonry of St Paul’s Cathedral in succession to the Reverend Canon Philippa Jane Boardman, MBE, MA.
The Reverend Jonathan Brewster was educated first at University College Buckinghamshire and then trained for the ministry at Trinity College, Bristol. He studied for an MA at Kings College, London. He served his curacy at St John the Evangelist, Great Horton, in the Bradford Diocese from 1994 to 1998. From 1998 to 2003 he was Chaplain to the University of Westminster. Since 2003 he has served as Vicar of Christ Church with St John and St Saviour, Highbury in the Diocese of London as well as being Area Dean of Islington since 2014.
Jonathan is married to Sarah. They have two adult and two younger children. He taught in South India, was on the UK Board of Trustees for the Oasis Charitable Trust and is a member of the Islington Faiths Forum. He enjoys playing and listening to Jazz music, reading and walking the dog.