News story

Stabilisation Unit now on

The Stabilisation Unit website has now migrated to the platform.

Stabilisation Unit logo

The Stabilisation Unit’s website has now been moved to the platform. This new site aims to provide information to the public based on their needs, and will contain information such as:

  • who we are
  • what we do
  • current news
  • job opportunities
  • links to any new publications
  • how to join the Civilian Stabilisation Group

As we also produce a lot of specialist content that is not aimed at the public, but has to be published outwith governmental intranets, the Stabilisation Unit will maintain a separate web platform with content aimed at stabilisation practitioners. This site will contain:

  • a log-in protected portal for members of the Civilian Stabilisation Group
  • publications aimed at stabilisation practitioners and government colleagues
  • summaries of stabilisation seminars delivered to practitioners and colleagues

Any content from our old website that has not been migrated to either of these platforms is accessible through the National Archives.

This re-design is part of the digital transformation of government, led by the Government Digital Services aiming to implement the Digital by Default Service Standard and making public service simpler and more readily available to the public.

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Published 2 December 2014