Start Fund to help with floodings in Honduras
Through the Start Fund the UK has supported the allocation of £150,000 (US$195,000) to assist the floodings emergency in Honduras.

Funds will be allocated to the organization CADENA which will be working to provide humanitarian aid in response to the floodings. The Start Fund is a multi-donor pooled fund to which the UK is a major contributor. It provides rapid financing in response to underfunded small to medium scale crises.
The Start Fund is a key part of the FCDO’s humanitarian response toolkit, allowing rapid funding to NGOs to scale up when a crisis hits. The UK supported the establishment of the Start Fund in 2014 and remains a major contributor to it. Other donors include the German Federal Foreign Office, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the IKEA Foundation, the Irish Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Jersey Overseas Aid, and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Through a rapid collective decision-making process, any NGO member of the Start Network can raise an alert to the Start Fund, with successful projects funded within 72 hours, and then completed within 45 days.