Statement from DfE about key stage 1 tests
Schools Minister Nick Gibb's statement following the accidental publication of a live key stage 1 (KS1) test.

Following an urgent investigation into the impact of the accidental publication of a live key stage 1 (KS1) grammar, punctuation and spelling test, the Department for Education (DfE) has issued the following statement:
Schools Minister Nick Gibb said:
On being informed of the breach yesterday, I ordered the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) to undertake an investigation into how this breach occurred. I have also commissioned a root and branch inquiry into the operations of the STA.
In the meantime, we have worked swiftly to find a solution to the administration of this year’s KS1 grammar, punctuation and spelling tests. To remove any uncertainty and clarify the situation for schools, I have decided that we will remove the requirement on them to administer the KS1 grammar, punctuation and spelling test for this year only.
Schools will still need to submit a teacher assessment judgement based on pupils’ work in the classroom as has always been the case. However there will be no requirement this year for them to administer the KS1 grammar, punctuation and spelling test or use the result as part of that assessment. Our immediate inquiry has shown none of the other KS1 test papers have been affected by this error.
This is a clearly regrettable incident and I am sorry for any concern it has caused teachers, parents or pupils.
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