Statement from the Minister for Employment Chris Grayling on the Work Experience scheme
Some of the UK’s top companies pledge to take part in the Voluntary Work Experience scheme.

Following a productive meeting with employers I am delighted that we have pledges from some of the UK’s top companies to take part in the scheme. The likes of Airbus, Center Parcs and HP Enterprise Services will join in Voluntary Work Experience helping our young unemployed people get their first vital step into employment.
Despite the persistent campaign of the last two weeks we have had contact with over 200 small or medium enterprises also wanting to get involved. The work experience scheme remains and is totally voluntary.
The sanction regime remains in place. Employers continue to have the protection with the use of sanctions for gross misconduct. We have used the meeting to explain how the regime applies. It has never been an issue with the programme as only 220 people have been sanctioned since it started.
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