Statement on charitable giving: Grenfell Tower Fire
How the charitable sector is responding to the Grenfell Tower Fire.

David Holdsworth, Registrar of Charities for England and Wales and Chief Operating Officer at the Charity Commission said:
The public have responded with immense generosity to the horrific fire in Grenfell Tower. Already, the public have collectively raised several million pounds, and donations to charities continue to pour in. We are advising the public to continue giving to registered charities through the established appeals in order to support victims on the ground.
The Charity Commission has been working with the charities involved, as well as the key online giving platforms, to help them coordinate their response, ensuring that the victims know how to access help for their urgent, immediate needs, and to help ensure that charities and independent local organisations with strong links to the community are working together to develop plans for supporting the community in the long term. Those who have suffered in this horrendous tragedy are entitled to feel confident that the funds raised in their name reaches them and their community now, and in the weeks, months and years ahead
Looking further ahead, we have begun early talks with established charities with experience of responding to disasters to consider ways of ensuring a coordinated, swift, expert response if and when there are further tragedies. We will be looking to convene sector leaders as a matter of urgency when we have all been able to provide the immediate help and support that is required in West London.
Information about the support available for people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire on 14 June 2017 has been published by the Department for Communities and Local Government.
The Commission issues official advice on how to ensure that charity donations go to legitimate charities. Detailed advice and safer giving tips can be found on GOV.UK.