Statement on the timing of inspections for new schools
The initial inspection for all new publicly-funded schools and other new provision will be during the third year of operation.

Ofsted, in consultation with the Department for Education, has been reviewing the timing of the initial inspection for all new publicly-funded schools and other new provision.
In previous years Ofsted has inspected new provision during the second year of opening, generally from the fifth term onwards. From this term all new provision, including those schools that opened from the 2013/14 academic year to date and which have not had their initial inspection, will be inspected during the third year of operation. This policy will apply to all new schools, including academy converters, and will also be applied to school amalgamations, mergers and where new key stages are added.
The Chief Inspector has the discretion to inspect earlier where he has concerns and will also do this when requested to do so by the Secretary of State.
Ofsted will issue an updated policy statement on inspection of new schools shortly.
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Published 2 October 2015Last updated 5 October 2015 + show all updates
Minor change to clarify that includes all new schools that would have been inspected in their fifth or sixth terms now, ie those opened from summer 2014.
First published.