Statement responding to Camden Council's decision to evacuate residents of the Chalcots estate
DCLG responds to Camden Council's decision to evacuate residents of the Chalcots estate so fire safety works can be carried out.

Today (23 June 2017), Camden Council has decided to evacuate residents of the Chalcots estate so fire safety works can be carried out.
This is the response from a Department for Communities and Local Government spokesperson:
The safety of residents is paramount.
Camden Council and the Fire and Rescue Service are rightly working together to implement their responsibilities under the Emergency Fire Safety Review that we sent them yesterday (22 June).
As we said, in the most serious cases this involves residents being moved out of their homes while they are made safe.
This is clearly distressing for those involved and the every effort will be made to reduce the disruption as they make temporary arrangements in line with their emergency plans.
The government, through London Resilience, is offering every assistance in getting this done as swiftly and safely as possible.