Press release

Statistical press notice: Critical care and delayed transfers of care statistics – July 2011 data

Monthly situation reports on critical care beds, cancelled operations and delayed discharges published.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The following statistics were released today by the Department of Health:
Monthly situation reports on critical care beds, cancelled operations and delayed transfers of care.

The main findings for July 2011 were:

• There were 3,706 adult critical care beds available with 2,947 occupied in July 2011. This compares with 3,683 available and 2,980 occupied in June 2011
• The number of urgent operations cancelled was 203 in July 2011. This compares with 271 urgent operation cancellations in June 2011.
• The number of delayed transfers of care for July 2011 is 4,311 and the total number of delayed days in the month was 116,996.  This compares with 4,237 delayed transfers and 119,093 delayed days in June 2011
• Of those 4,311 patients, 2,365 were acute patients and of the 116,996 delayed days, 61,709 were acute.

Emergency Activity and Critical Care Capacity

Acute and Non-Acute Delayed Transfers of Care

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Published 19 August 2011