Statistical press release: UK Energy Statistics
29 March 2012 Energy Trends and Quarterly Energy Prices publications are published today 29 March 2012 by the Department of Energy and Climate…
29 March 2012
Energy Trends and Quarterly Energy Prices publications are published today 29 March 2012 by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The publications cover new data for the fourth quarter of 2011 and thus provisional annual data for 2011. This press release focuses on the 2011 annual data.
Energy Trends covers statistics on energy production and consumption, in total and by fuel, and provides an analysis of the year on year changes, and now includes a section on renewables. Quarterly Energy Prices covers prices to domestic and industrial consumers, prices of oil products and comparisons of international fuel prices.
The main points for 2011 are:
- Total energy production was a record 13½ per cent lower than in 2010. This decline in output was due to the falls in oil and gas production as a result of maintenance activities and slowdowns, which resulted in a net import dependency of 36½ per cent, the highest level since 1976.
- Oil production was 17½ per cent lower than in 2010, the lowest level of production since the 1970’s and continues the downward trend seen since 2000.
- Natural gas production was 21 per cent lower than in 2010. In 2011 gross imports of natural gas were greater than gross production for the first time since 1967, with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) accounting for 47 per cent of gas imports. Gas exports were at record levels in 2011, up by 4 per cent. Production though continued to exceed net imports.
- Total primary energy consumption for energy uses fell by 7½ per cent from 2010. When adjusted to take account of weather differences between 2010 and 2011, primary consumption fell by 2 per cent.
- Low carbon electricity’s share of generation increased from 23 per cent in 2010 to 28½ per cent in 2011, due to higher renewables and nuclear generation.
- Of electricity generated in 2011, gas accounted for 40 per cent (a fall of 6 percentage points on 2010) and coal 30 per cent. Nuclear’s share increased by 3 percentage points on 2010, to 19 per cent of the total.
- Renewables’ share of generation increased by 2½ percentage points on 2010 to a record 9½ per cent. Hydro generation increased by 58 per cent on 2010 as a result of higher rainfall, whilst wind rose by 54½ per cent, of which offshore wind rose by 68 per cent, due to higher wind speeds and increased capacity. Overall hydro and wind generation was 55½ per cent higher than in 2010.
- Coal production was ½ per cent lower than in 2010. Coal imports were 23 per cent higher. Generators’ demand for coal was higher by ½ per cent. Coal stocks were 4½ per cent lower.
- Final energy consumption was 8 per cent lower than in 2010, with falls recorded in all sectors. Domestic consumption fell by 18½ per cent due to the milder weather in 2011, with temperatures being 1.8 degrees warmer than 2010.
- Gas demand was 17 per cent lower than in 2010 and was at its lowest level since 1995, whilst electricity consumption was 3½ per cent lower in 2011 than in 2010.
- Average annual household standard electricity bills (fixed consumption of 3,300 kWh per annum) across all payment types in 2011 are £36 higher than in 2010 (up 8.5 per cent to £453), and average gas bills (fixed consumption of 18,000 kWh per annum) across all payment types are £61 higher (up 9.3 per cent to £719). UK domestic gas and electricity prices are the lowest and fourth lowest in the EU respectively.
- Unleaded petrol and diesel prices in March 2012 have reached new record highs.
To view the complete set of tables and information contained in the release, please see: