Press release

Stroud residents invited to flood information event

The Environment Agency and Stroud District Council will be holding flood drop-in events during March.

The drop-ins will be an opportunity for residents and local businesses in Stroud to find out about the risk of flash flooding in the Slad Brook area.

The events will run from 6pm to 8pm on the 18 and 25 March and from 1pm to 3pm on the 28 March at:

The All Saints Centre
Springfield Road

Representatives from the Environment Agency and Stroud District Council will be on hand during the events to answer questions, help visitors produce flood plans and provide information about what people can do to protect themselves and their property during a flood. The event will also be an opportunity to find out about the community flood warden role.

Nicola Manley from the Environment Agency said:

The Slad Brook reacts rapidly to intense rainfall and is prone to flash flooding, which can occur suddenly with little or no warning. It is important that residents and business owners understand the signs and risks of flash flooding, and take the necessary steps to prepare themselves and their properties.

Chris Uttley from Stroud District Council added:

This is an ideal opportunity for those living in the area to receive hands-on advice and more importantly to have their questions on flooding answered.

For those residents who are unable to attend the drop-in sessions, further information is available on the Environment Agency flood web pages.

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Published 10 March 2015