Structured Dialogue between the United Kingdom and Turkmenistan
The second Structured Dialogue meeting on 22 and 23 February 2023 covered politics, foreign policy and cooperation between the UK and Turkmenistan.

Mr Justin Mackenzie Smith, assistant Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Directorate of the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office visited Ashgabat and to co-chair the Dialogue alongside Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Vepa Hajiyev.

Discussions during the first day of the dialogue covered political matters, foreign policy, including Ukraine and Afghanistan, cooperation in the fight against terrorism, human dimension, trade and economic relations.

After the productive sessions of the first day, His Majesty’s Ambassador Ms Lucia Wilde hosted a reception at her residence to welcome Mr Justin Mackenzie-Smith. Among the invitees were alumni of the UK’s prestigious Chevening scholarship programme, partners from UNDP and UNFPA, climate activists, and young SDG Ambassadors.

The second day of the Structured Dialogue continued with discussions on climate change and defence matters. Attending the session online Mr David Moran, UK’s Regional Energy Security and Climate Change Ambassador highlighted the importance of cooperation on strengthening efforts on tackling climate change in the region and the importance of reducing methane emissions.
On the defence session of the dialogue, United Kingdom’s Defence Attaché Wing Commander Alan Huyton discussed the deepening defence relationship with the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan. Both sides agreed to explore new areas of cooperation.

In addition to the Structured Dialogue, Mr Mackenzie-Smith held meetings at the Ministries of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Finance & Economy, Electrical Energy and the Ombudsperson’s office.