Supporting Exams Officers
Ofqual has created some resources to help support Exams Officers in their roles.

Running exams is a tough job and one that requires all-year-round effort as well as particular challenges during the exam season. Ofqual recognises this and has been in discussions with exams officers to find ways we can help them run a smooth, incident-free series.
Working with exams officers, we created a film about the role of the Exams Officer to raise awareness of the important work they do among other school staff and parents.
Ofqual Explores: The Exams Officer
We held a webinar for Exams Officers on Tuesday 13 November 2018, the recording of which you can watch below. A transcript and the PowerPoint slides are also available below.
When things go right: A wider perspective of the exams system
Please note the poll results at 29.15 are incorrect, as respondents were only able to click on one option. Please refer to the re-run of the same poll 54 minutes into the webinar, when this error was corrected.
Summer exams are an all-year-round effort
For many school and college staff, when exam halls are packed up and the ‘silence’ signs disappear, they may be tempted to ask an Exams Officer what they do for the rest of the year. Marcia Woods, Exams Officer at Brookfield Community School in Chesterfield, explains in a guest blog post here.
We have looked at the reasons students might bring their mobile phones into the exam hall, and they might not be what you think. Check our our blog post looking behind the malpractice statistics.
Updates to this page
Included the details of the new film, Ofqual Explores: The Exams Officer
Added student exam checklist and a link to a blogpost on malpractice statistics.
Added responses to questions put to Ofqual during the webinar, and centre practices to help keep mobile phones out of the exam room.
Webinar recording added
First published.