Surveys launched by Review of Third Party Campaigning
The Review of Third Party Campaigning has issued 3 surveys to obtain evidence about how third parties operate during elections.

The surveys seek evidence directly from:
Each survey takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes and will close on 7 June 2015.
Following the 2015 general election, the Review will issue a call for evidence and hold a series of roundtable discussions with interested parties. The discussions will explore wider issues around third party campaigning and give respondents a chance to share their views on what the regulations should cover.
If you have specific concerns to tell the Review, email
For the Review to be effective it’s important that as many people as possible outline their experience of third party campaigning so that our recommendations are realistic and based on evidence. We really appreciate your help enabling the success of the Review.
We aim to ensure that the rich diversity of public participation and the involvement that historically have characterised British elections continues, whilst maintaining public trust and confidence in the integrity of the electoral system.
The Review is independent of government, political parties, the Electoral Commission, the Charity Commission and third parties.
All responses will be treated as confidential. No responses will be passed on to any other third party or used to identify respondents.