News story

Taking action for more equal pay

The average salaries of women in management in Britain are much lower than men's and the government wants to take steps to change this.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

A study published today by the Chartered Management Institute found that it could take 57 years for the pay gap between male and female managers working in Britain to close.

On average, male managers make £10,000 more than their female equivalents each year.

A Government Equalities Office spokesman said the government is taking action to address the disadvantages faced by women in the workplace.

There is work to be done

The spokesman said:

‘From October 2010, the Equality Act will make pay “gagging” clauses unenforceable, so that companies will no longer be able to stop employees comparing their salaries with colleagues.

‘Bringing an end to the culture of pay secrecy will make it easier for women to find out if they are being paid less than men.

‘But there is more to do if we are going to close the pay gap between men and women, and the coalition is committed to taking action, whether it is introducing a new system of flexible parental leave, extending the right to request flexible working, or appointing Lord Davies to look into the lack of female representation on the boards of top companies.

‘If we are going to rebuild our economy and return to sustainable growth, we need to capitalise on the wealth of talent that women have to offer businesses today.’

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Published 19 August 2010