News story

The 2012 Local Health Profiles published

The 2012 Local Health Profiles give a snapshot overview of health for each local authority in England in a user-friendly format.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The 2012 Local Health Profiles give a snapshot overview of health for each local authority in England in a user-friendly format.

They are a valuable tool for local government and health services in helping them understand their community’s needs, so that they can work to improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities.

Produced by the Public Health Observatories of England, health profiles are available as interactive maps and charts on the Local Health Profiles website. The profile for each local authority in England includes:

  • an ‘at a glance’ summary description of people’s health in the area, which includes information on locally identified priorities
  • maps and charts showing how the health of the area compares to the national view and information on health inequalities within the local authority
  • charts presenting changes in death rates over a 10 year period, compared to rates for England
  • a ‘spine chart’ health summary showing the difference in health between the area and the regional/England average for 32 indicators within five domains (our communities, children’s and young people’s health, adults’ health and lifestyle, diseases and poor health, and life expectancy and causes of death)

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Published 26 June 2012