The Knowledge Asset Grant Fund is open for a new round
The Government Office for Technology Transfer (GOTT) has announced a new round of the Knowledge Asset Grant Fund.

Sarah Staniland, Head of Funding and Communities
The Knowledge Asset Grant Fund supports public sector organisations across the UK to explore the development, repurposing, commercialisation, or expanded use of public sector knowledge assets.
This financial year (1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 ) £5 million of funding is available with awards of up to £250,000.
Sarah Staniland, Head of Funding and Communities in GOTT, said:
The fund is about trying to help the public sector realise the value and impact of exploiting their knowledge assets…so that we can reap the benefits from them.
The Knowledge Asset Grant Fund offers 3 different streams of funding. The amount of funding available for each stream does not reflect the stage of development for your project. For example, you may consider applying for an Explore Grant to support taking a well-developed project in a new direction, or with a new application.
You can find out more about each of the streams available below:
- Explore Grant (up to and including £25,000)
- Expand Grant (£25,001 to £100,000)
- Extend Grant (£100,001 to £250,000)
Money awarded can fund the kind of activity that tests the potential of your knowledge asset, or moves it along its development journey, for example:
- prototyping
- market research
- expert advice and research
- testing and modelling
This could include payroll costs for staff, IP protection costs such as patenting and trademarking, or the cost of instruments and other equipment required.
If you have any questions about the grant fund please email the Knowledge Assets Team at