The many faces of 1918 - WWI commemorations in Luxembourg
The British Embassy Luxembourg collaborated with 16 embassies to write a short text in their respective national language, reflecting different perspectives of 1918.

Ruth Dugdall, author of the short story, ¨Unfit for Active Service¨
Looking back 100 years, all participants realised that the year 1918 was experienced, and still is seen very differently in many countries. For some it stands for defeat, the beginning of a civil war, for others it represents a loss; for some it equals liberation, for others victory. In certain cases, even diverging points of view can be found in parallel: defeat but also democratization; new states based on the idea of self-determination, but only for a part of the population.
The anthology brings together 17 short stories from participating countries. Ambassador John Marshall chose British author Ruth Dugdall, who had lived in Luxembourg for several years, before moving to the United States. The title of her short story, which is based on the true story of a British soldier in the Great War, is ‘”Unfit for Active Service”
Contributing to this Austrian-led project was an opportunity to emphasise the ongoing British partnership with both EU and non-EU countries.
See the full anthology below: