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The Military Division of the New Year Honours 2025
Armed Forces personnel have been granted state honours, including operational awards, by His Majesty The King in the annual New Year Honours list.

Royal Navy Awards
Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the Bath
As Knight Commanders
- Vice Admiral Martin John CONNELL, CBE
- General Gwyn JENKINS, CB, OBE, Royal Marines
As Companions
- Rear Admiral Thomas Edward MANSON, OBE
- Rear Admiral Judith Helen TERRY, OBE
Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire
As Commanders
- Captain Benjamin Stuart HASKINS, OBE
- Surgeon Commodore Jason SMITH, KHP
As Officers
- Commander Stuart CROMBIE
- Commander Charles Anthony COLLINS
- Commander Teilo John ELLIOT-SMITH
- Commander Peter Alexander EVANS
- Captain David GILLETT
- Commander Richard Lee KEMP
As Members
- Lieutenant Commander John Richard Escott GABB
- Chief Petty Officer Warfare Specialist (Tactical Submarines) Russell Eric GREEN
- Leading Hand (Intelligence) Chloe Niki Rebecca MACDONALD
- Warrant Officer 1 Nicholas Alexander Twomey OLLIVE
- Petty Officer Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering Submarines) David SMEE
- Lieutenant Colonel (Volunteer Cadet Corps) Christopher Robert SPRATT
- Commander Robert STEADMAN
- Lieutenant Commander Charles Anthony Graesser THORNTON
Distinguished Service Order
- Colonel Alistair Scott CARNS, OBE, MC, Royal Marines
Royal Red Cross
As an Ordinary Associate of the Royal Red Cross, Second Class
- Lieutenant Commander Kim COCKCROFT, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service
King’s Volunteer Reserves Medal
- Captain Paul Terence HILL, RD, Royal Naval Reserve
Mention in Despatches
- Lieutenant Commander Matthew Peter JOHNSON
- Lieutenant Commander Daniel OWEN-HUGHES
- Able Seaman (First Class) (Abovewater Warfare Weapons) Marli WINTON
King’s Commendation for Valuable Service
- Commander David Morgan ARMSTRONG
- Lieutenant Commander James Paul BRADSHAW
- Petty Officer Warfare Specialist (Abovewater Warfare Tactical) Reuben Charles Bryan HOMEWOOD
- Lieutenant Nikolai Edward Pilkington L’VOV-BASIROV
- Lieutenant Matthew Richard POXON
- Lieutenant Commander Katie ROMANOWSKA, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service
Army Awards
Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the Bath
As Knight Commander
- Lieutenant General Tom Richardson COPINGER-SYMES, CBE
As Companions
- Major General Alastair Andrew Bernard Reibey BRUCE of CRIONAICH, OBE, VR, DL, Army Reserve
- Major General Gerald EWART-BROOKES
- Major General Marc Anthony John McHardy OVERTON, TD, VR, Army Reserve
Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire
As Commanders
- Brigadier Jonathan Godson Eyre BARTHOLOMEW, OBE
- Major General Oliver Charles Christopher BROWN
- Colonel Mark Tyrtoff DAVIS
- Brigadier Lucinda Caryl WESTERMAN
- Brigadier Patrick William Benjamin WRIGHT
As Officers
- Colonel Sebastian David BURN, Royal Army Medical Service
- Colonel Lance Gareth FOSTER, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Lieutenant Colonel David Charles GROCE, MBE, The Royal Logistic Corps
- Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Craig HERBERTS, Royal Regiment of Artillery
- Colonel Simon Anthony HIRST
- Colonel Anna Elizabeth KIMBER
- Lieutenant Colonel Ian Patrick MILLS, MBE, The Royal Logistic Corps, Army Reserve
- Brigadier Stuart Edward NASSE
- Colonel Andrew Richard NICKLIN, MBE, Royal Corps of Signals
As Members
- Warrant Officer Class 2 Yvonne ANGUS, Adjutant General’s Corps (Royal Military Police)
- Major Roger Thomas ANSTEY, Army Air Corps
- Colonel Russell Guy ATHERTON, The Mercian Regiment
- Warrant Officer Class 2 Lee Owen BACKHOUSE, The Coldstream Guards, Army Reserve
- Warrant Officer Class 2 Stewart BAIRD, The King’s Royal Hussars, Army Reserve
- Warrant Officer Class 2 Paul Raymond BARNES, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
- Major James Terence Richard BLAKEMORE, The Rifles
- Sergeant Alan Gary BOYLE, The Mercian Regiment, Army Reserve
- Lieutenant Colonel Mark Howard Kearton BULMER, VR, Corps of Royal Engineers, Army Reserve
- Sergeant Michael Andrew CHADWICK, The Scots Guards
- Captain Edward James CLINTON, The Royal Logistic Corps
- Lieutenant Colonel David Joseph COTTON, Adjutant General’s Corps (Army Legal Services Branch)
- Lieutenant Colonel Kathleen DOUGLAS, Army Cadet Force
- Major Ian Lindsay ELLIOTT, Royal Corps of Signals, Army Reserve
- Captain Olivia Kate FLAHERTY, Royal Corps of Signals
- Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Andrew Hugh GIFFARD, The Life Guards
- Major Cameron George McVean GUBBINS, The Light Dragoons
- Captain Daniel HENDERSON, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
- The Reverend Ann Elizabeth HITCHINER, Chaplain to the Forces (3rd Class), Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, Army Reserve
- Sergeant Gareth Huw Russell JENKINS, VR, Royal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers (Militia), Army Reserve
- Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Chappell MALLIN, Royal Army Medical Service
- Major Sean Patrick MALONEY, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Harry Law MICHAEL, The King’s Royal Hussars
- Major Thomas Frederick William MORTENSEN, The Scots Guards
- Staff Sergeant David Andrew Colin MURPHY, Royal Tank Regiment
- Lieutenant Colonel Alexander James RABBITT, The Royal Welsh
- Major David Thomas RAINBOW, Adjutant General’s Corps (Royal Military Police)
- Major Mark Bryan ROBERTS, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Major Daniel Mark ROUSE, Corps of Royal Engineers
- Sergeant Merini Marilynn Rokowati Helena SEVAKASIGA, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
- Lieutenant Colonel Adam Michael SHINDLER, Intelligence Corps
- Major Gemma Elizabeth SIMISTER, Corps of Royal Engineers
- Major Robert James SMITH, The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment
- Major Jonathan George STEWART-DAVIS, Army Air Corps
- Major Andrew Robert SUTTON, Royal Corps of Signals, Army Reserve
- Captain Marcus James WAUGH, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
- Major Joshua William Knight WRAY, Corps of Royal Engineers
Royal Red Cross
As an Ordinary Member of the Royal Red Cross, First Class
- Lieutenant Colonel Lucy Rachel GAAL, Royal Army Medical Service
As an Ordinary Associate of the Royal Red Cross, Second Class
- Major Paul Amos SIMMS, Royal Army Medical Service
King’s Volunteer Reserves Medal
- Lieutenant Colonel Anita Fiona Marina NEWCOURT, MBE, TD, VR, Army Air Corps, Army Reserve
- Major Seân Augustine OLOHAN, VR, The Royal Yeomanry, Army Reserve
- Colour Sergeant Alan George TAGGART, VR, The Royal Irish Regiment, Army Reserve
- Captain Timothy YOUNG, VR, Corps of Royal Engineers, Army Reserve
King’s Commendation for Valuable Service
- Corporal Brandon Lee BLACKMAN, Intelligence Corps
- Major Esther Louise CADDY, Adjutant General’s Corps (Educational and Training Service Branch)
- Warrant Officer Class 2 Richard Paul HOOD, Intelligence Corps
- Lieutenant Thomas James Alexander WOOD, The Royal Yorkshire Regiment
Royal Air Force Awards
Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the Bath
As Companions
- Air Vice-Marshal Simon Scott EDWARDS
- Air Marshal Paul Alexander GODFREY, OBE
- Air Vice-Marshal Tamara Nancy JENNINGS, OBE
Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire
As Commanders
- Air Commodore Nigel Timothy BRADSHAW
- Air Commodore Victoria Caroline MCPHADEN
- Air Commodore James Edwin SAVAGE, OBE
As Officers
- Group Captain Neill Owen ATKINS
- Wing Commander Russell William BARNES
- Group Captain James Paul BUCKLE
- Group Captain Trevor Robert CADE
- Wing Commander Noel Jonathan REES
- Wing Commander Kevin Jeffrey TERRETT
- Group Captain Michael John WILSON
As Members
- Squadron Leader Simon Scott BRACEWELL
- Corporal Olivia BRINDLEY
- Warrant Officer Philip Andrew CHADWICK
- Wing Commander Rebecca Jean COLLIS
- Flight Sergeant Jane CORBAN
- Squadron Leader Simon Anthony DEVENISH
- Squadron Leader Dusko Maurice Kent FROST
- Flight Lieutenant James Edward LAIRD
- Wing Commander Charles Jeremy LYNN
- Wing Commander Richard Alan MAY
- Squadron Leader James PALFREY
- Chief Technician Bradley PARRY
- Squadron Leader Andrew John SWEENEY
- Flight Sergeant Philip Michael THOMAS
King’s Volunteer Reserves Medal
- Corporal Sean Gregory DOUGHTY
- Warrant Officer Christopher Richard WARD
Mention in Despatches
- Flight Lieutenant Peter James MORRIS