News story

The Military division of the Queen's Birthday Honours List 2021

Defence personnel have been granted state honours by Her Majesty the Queen in the annual Birthday Honours List.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

A number of military personnel have been granted state honours for their work in the Armed Forces.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said:

Congratulations to our esteemed Armed Forces personnel receiving state honours from Her Majesty The Queen in this year’s Birthday Honours List.

The work our people do every day is nothing short of exceptional and I am proud to see so many individuals recognised for going above and beyond the call of duty to achieve excellence.

They are a great source of pride and inspiration for our country.

Royal Navy Awards

Promotions in an appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the bath.

As Knight Commander

  • Admiral Antony David RADAKIN, CB, ADC

As Companions

  • Rear Admiral Andrew Paul BURNS, OBE

  • Rear Admiral Philip John HALLY, MBE

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire.

As Commanders

  • Commodore Robert James Astley BELLFIELD

  • Rear Admiral Matthew BRIERS

  • Surgeon Captain John SHARPLEY

As Officers

  • Lieutenant Colonel Richard ALSTON

  • Commander Andrew HORLOCK

  • Lieutenant Colonel James Austin Ellery LEWIS

  • Commander Steven MCALLISTER

  • Commander Christopher MOOREY

  • Commander Alan Neil Lawrence Michael NEKREWS, QGM

  • Commander (now Captain) Suzi NIELSEN

As Members

  • Lieutenant Commander Karen Elizabeth Snel BARNICOAT

  • Lieutenant Commander Simon HAWTHORN

  • Lieutenant Commander Bryan MCCAVOUR

  • Lieutenant Oliver James MULCAHY

  • Major Erik Michael NIELSEN

  • Warrant Officer 1 Kieran ROE

  • Lieutenant Commander Karen SHORTLAND

  • Acting Chief Petty Officer Logistician (Supply Chain) Matthew TALLENTYRE

  • Acting Lieutenant Colonel Scott Peter WALLACE

  • Major Steven WARD

  • Lieutenant Andrew WITTS

Army awards

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the bath.

As Knight Commander

  • General Timothy Buchan RADFORD, CB, DSO, OBE

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire.

As Knight Commander

  • Lieutenant General Christopher Linley TICKELL, CBE

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the bath.

As Companions

  • Lieutenant General Douglas McKenzie CHALMERS, DSO, OBE

  • Major General Neil David SEXTON

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire.

As Commanders

  • Colonel Jeremy David BAGSHAW

  • Brigadier James Matthew SENIOR

  • Brigadier Sara Louise SHARKEY

  • Colonel Graham TAYLOR

As Officers

  • Major (Acting Lieutenant Colonel) Gregory George ANDREWS, MBE, Corps of Royal Engineers, Army Reserve

  • Lieutenant Colonel Robert John Trevelyan CLOKE, Intelligence Corps

  • Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Anne Stratton FIELDHOUSE, Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Lieutenant Colonel Shamus Antony KELLY, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers

  • Lieutenant Colonel David Thomas PACK, MBE, The Royal Gurkha Rifles

  • Colonel Daniel Michael REA

  • Lieutenant Colonel Dylan READ, The Royal Logistic Corps

  • Major Christopher Mark ROBERTS, Royal Army Physical Training Corps

  • Chaplain to the Forces (1st Class) Reverend Andrew James TOTTEN, MBE

As Members

  • Lieutenant Colonel Piers Lyndon ASHFIELD, DSO, Grenadier Guards

  • Major Matthew Stanley BAGSHAW, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

  • Lieutenant Colonel Duncan BAILEY, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)

  • Sergeant Keith Joseph BAKER, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

  • Staff Sergeant Jamie BARRETT, The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeth’s Own)

  • Warrant Officer Class 1 Angus William BARTABY, Army Air Corps

  • Major Andrew Martin BUCKLEY, Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Captain (Acting Major) Paul David COLVILLE, The Royal Regiment of Scotland

  • Lieutenant Colonel Robert Harding DAVISON, The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment

  • Captain (Local Major) Jayne Louise DONAGHUE, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)

  • Lieutenant Colonel Richard James Hamilton GREEN, Grenadier Guards

  • Major Gerald Martin HEDGER, TD, VR, Royal Regiment of Artillery, Army Reserve

  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Richard Kit HELMN, The Yorkshire Regiment, Army Reserve

  • Major Luke George HOARE, Army Air Corps

  • Chaplain to the Forces (3rd Class) Reverend Alan Paul JEANS, Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, Army Cadet Force

  • Major Gavin Charles KIMBERLIN, MC, The Mercian Regiment

  • Sergeant James William LAMBIE, The Parachute Regiment

  • Major James Daniel LOWEN, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Sheridan LUCAS, The Royal Logistic Corps

  • Major Norman MACLEOD, Army Cadet Force

  • Major Kenneth Allan PICKERING, Army Cadet Force

  • Warrant Officer Class 2 James Joseph POWELL, The Parachute Regiment

  • Captain Joseph Edmund Geoffrey READ, Adjutant General’s Corps (Educational and Training Services Branch)

  • Captain Michael David RIDLEY, Royal Corps of Signals

  • Captain Vivekjung SHAH, Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment

  • Staff Sergeant Simon Patrick SPRIGGS, Intelligence Corps

  • Lieutenant Colonel Alasdair Fortune Lyon STEELE, VR, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, Army Reserve

  • Major Toshiaki Alexander SUZUKI, The Parachute Regiment

  • Major Christopher David TAYLOR, Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Lieutenant Colonel Patricia Lynne WALTERS, Royal Army Medical Corps

  • Major Damian Arthur Charles WARREN, Corps of Royal Engineers

  • Warrant Officer Class 1 Daniel Lewis WINFIELD, The Royal Logistic Corps

  • Major Nicholas Edward John ZORAB, The Royal Welsh

Royal Red Cross

As an Ordinary Member of the Royal Red Cross, First Class

  • Colonel Sharon FINDLAY

As an Ordinary Associate of the Royal Red Cross, Second Class

  • Staff Sergeant Tracey Ann CULLEY, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps

Queen’s Volunteer Reserves Medal

  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Andrew David EKE, VR, The Royal Logistic Corps, Army Reserve

  • Colonel Thammy EVANS, VR, Army Reserve

  • Major Cyril STEVENSON, VR, The Royal Logistic Corps, Army Reserve

  • Warrant Officer Class 2 Samuel Stewart VANDAL, VR, Corps of Royal Engineers, Army Reserve

Royal Air Force Awards

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most honourable order of the bath.

As Companions

  • Air Vice-Marshal Simon David ELLARD

  • Air Vice-Marshal Warren Austin William JAMES, CBE

Promotions in and appointments to the military division of the most excellent order of the British Empire.

As Commanders

  • Group Captain Daniel JAMES

  • Group Captain Adam Boyd WARDROPE, DFC

  • Group Captain Katherine Patricia WILSON, OBE

As Officers

  • Wing Commander Robert Edward BRAYBROOK

  • Wing Commander Andrew COE

  • Wing Commander (now Group Captain) Gerard John Julian CURRIE

  • Wing Commander (now Group Captain) Mark George JACKSON

  • Wing Commander Robert James LINDFIELD

  • Squadron Leader Martin Elliott Wallace PERT

As Members

  • Warrant Officer Sarah Louise COTMAN

  • Flight Sergeant (now Acting Warrant Officer) Andrea Joy DEMARNEY

  • Squadron Leader Gareth ELLIOTT

  • Squadron Leader Katherine Elizabeth INGRAM

  • Flight Lieutenant James Alan KUHT

  • Warrant Officer Mary-Ellen NASH

  • Squadron Leader Nana Akuffo OTENG-GYAN

  • Acting Wing Commander Andrew Christopher PASS

  • Flight Lieutenant Andrew David PREECE

  • Flight Lieutenant Kyle Yohann Xavier ROACHFORD

  • Squadron Leader Justin James SALMON

  • Warrant Officer (now Flight Lieutenant) Gareth Morgan WILLIAMS

Queen’s volunteer reserves medal

  • Acting Corporal Jane Elizabeth JONES

  • Warrant Officer John Campbell WEBSTER, VR

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Published 11 June 2021