The new home on the web for the Department of Health
GOV.UK is the new place for corporate and policy information from the Department of Health and the Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards.

The Department of Health is the latest central government organisation to move its corporate and policy content onto the GOV.UK website - the new single home for all government services and information.
Information from the Department of Health, plus the Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards (ACCEA), has joined that of 14 other departments whose content moved to GOV.UK between November 2012 and March 2013. Content from all remaining departments will be brought into the site in the coming few months.
The Inside Government section on GOV.UK makes it simpler, clearer and faster to find out:
- how government works
- what the government is doing
- how you can get involved
New web addresses
All web addresses are being redirected, so you don’t need to update your bookmarks, but you might want to make a note of these new addresses:
- - Department of Health
- - Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards
The Inside Government section of GOV.UK has been designed to make government information easier to find and more transparent for the user. For the first time, you can begin to find out what’s happening inside government all in one place, and in a clear, consistent and transparent format.
You’ll notice that the new website looks very different from the ones it has replaced. The look is one obvious difference, but many of the other significant changes are less visible.
You can now see information from multiple government departments grouped by topics. For example, you can see how policies from Cabinet Office and other departments are contributing to public health or social care.
Clear policies
Departments and agencies that have moved to GOV.UK are publishing their policies according to the outcome the government is trying to achieve. For example:
- improving care for people with dementia
- reducing obesity and improving diet
- helping people make informed choices about health and social care
For each policy, you can see a list of all the related announcements, consultations and publications in one list, called ‘latest’. The latest tab makes it easy for you to track what is happening on the policies that interest you, for example, all government activity that relates to increasing research and innovation in health and social care.
More about Inside Government and GOV.UK
Inside Government is still a work in progress, with only some organisations live. Work will continue as other departments and organisations, many hundreds in total, move their information to GOV.UK. This will happen in batches and will be completed during 2014.
You can find out more here: