The SIA welcomes Heather Baily QPM as new Chair
Today, 7 June 2021, Heather Baily QPM, starts her new role at the Chair of the Security Industry Authority (SIA). Appointed by the Home Office, her term as Chair will run for three years.

As Chair of the Authority Heather Baily will contribute to the overall strategic direction and corporate oversight of the SIA, ensuring with other Authority Members, that the SIA’s Executive Team is held to account for discharging its duties effectively and to the highest possible standards.
Michelle Russell, Acting Chief Executive of the SIA, welcomed Heather Baily and said:
On behalf of the Authority Members and colleagues at the SIA, we welcome Heather Baily as our new Chair. She brings with her a wealth of experience in both non executive and executive roles in public service. We all look forward to working closely with Heather in the future.
Heather Baily takes over from the Acting Chair, David Horncastle, who was appointed on an interim basis in January 2021 following the retirement of Elizabeth France.
Michelle Russell added:
We would also like to thank David Horncastle who has been interim Chair of the SIA since the start of the year and before that Deputy Chair. His insight and guidance have been invaluable over the years, and we will miss his sound advice and the support he has provided us.
Heather said about her appointment:
I am delighted to be appointed as Chair of the SIA. This is an important time for the organisation, as the SIA continues with its plans, having in the past year to respond quickly to the impact of the pandemic. I look forward to working with the dedicated staff there and with our partners as we shape the organisation to ensure that the SIA is as effective, productive and consistently reliable and operates to the principles of the Regulators’ code.
Further information:
- The Home Office announcement regarding Heather’s appointment can be found here
- Heather has worked as Deputy Chief Constable for Hertfordshire Constabulary and was Deputy Chief Inspector for Garda Inspectorate, Dublin. She was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal for services to policing in 2011.
- In addition to her policing experience, Heather has served as a Non-Executive Board Member for the Department of Justice, Northern Ireland and currently serves as a Non-Executive Board Member for Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust where she is also Deputy Chair.
Notes to editors:
- The Security Industry Authority is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry in the United Kingdom, reporting to the Home Secretary under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act 2001. Our main duties are: the compulsory licensing of individuals undertaking designated activities; and managing the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme.
- For further information about the Security Industry Authority visit The SIA is also on Facebook (Security Industry Authority) and Twitter (SIAuk).