Press release

Tide warning after 2 rescues in 2 hours

Humber Coastguard is again urging people to check weather and tides before heading out after 4 people were rescued in 2 separate incidents.

Coastguard Rescue Officers

The first 999 call came in just after 3pm yesterday (30 April 2014) from a member of the public who reported that two people had become cut off by the tide at Saltwick Nab, Whitby.

The Whitby Coastguard Rescue Team, the Whitby RNLI lifeboat and the search and rescue helicopter from RAF Leconfield were sent to the scene. When they got there, they found two people were attempting to climb up the cliff away from the rising water. They were winched on board the helicopter and taken to the top of the cliff where they were met by Coastguard Rescue Officers. They weren’t hurt.

Humber Coastguard took the second 999 call just after 4.30pm. This time, a man and a woman had become cut off by the rising tide in Wells, Norfolk. It was reported they were almost up to their necks in water and there was limited visibility due to the foggy conditions.

The Wells and Cley Coastguard Rescue Teams were sent to the scene along with the Wells RNLI Inshore lifeboat. The pair were located by the lifeboat using GPS data from the couple’s mobile phone and brought safely back to shore.

Mike Green, Watch Manager at Humber Coastguard, said:

It appears these four people had a lucky escape. We were able to send units to their rescue quickly, and ensure they were brought back to dry land safely.

We always advise people to check the weather and tidal conditions before setting out. You need to consider whether you could end up cut off by the incoming tide. Also, please don’t attempt to climb cliffs as a short cut back to the top, as you could hurt yourself in the process.

If you are in trouble, or spot someone else in difficulty, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

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Published 1 May 2014