Top cop picked to head up new policing college
The chief constable of Hampshire constabulary has been picked to lead the new college of policing.

Alex Marshall, who has more than 30 years policing experience and led on the creation of the national police air service, was chosen from a strong field of candidates to be the college’s first chief executive officer.
Policing and criminal justice minister Rt Hon Damian Green said:
‘Alex Marshall has an impressive track record of driving down crime, supporting innovation and cutting bureaucracy - all skills that will be integral to the college of policing.
‘The college will be the engine of police reform, enhancing professionalism and setting the highest standards of integrity. It will allow us to develop the change in culture crucial to British policing so I am pleased that we have such a well-qualified police officer taking the helm.’
Mr Marshall started his policing career in the metropolitan police in 1980, rising through the ranks of the force to become a detective chief inspector by 1998. He became chief constable of Hampshire constabulary in 2008 and crime has fallen in the force every year subsequently.
More recently, he has played a pivotal role in establishing the national police air service, the first borderless air service for the police, which is expected to save £15 million per year.
Alex Marshall, CEO designate, said:
‘The new professional body for policing, the college of policing, will set high professional standards to assist forces in cutting crime and protecting the public.
‘From day one in my new role I will work to equip all who work in policing with the tools, skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
‘This appointment is a fantastic opportunity to replace bureaucracy and unnecessary policies in policing with practical, common sense approaches based on the evidence of what works.’
The college of policing will become operational in December. It will protect the public interest by enhancing police standards, identifying evidence of what works in policing and sharing best practice among officers.
It will provide a range of functions from supporting the education and professional development of staff and officers to setting standards for specialist skills and training, such as investigation, intelligence and firearms.
Notes to editors
1) Until the college of policing can be set up in statute, a company has been set up to begin the work of enhancing policing standards, identifying evidence of what works in policing and sharing best practice amongst officers. The company will become operational in December when relevant functions and staff from the NPIA can transfer.
2) The functions transferring in December include learning, development, strategy and curriculum, approved professional practice, exams and assessments, the international academy, the national college of police leadership, uniformed operational support, some specialist training; the criminal justice and local policing unit, and the NPIA’s research, analysis and information unit. Future funding options for these functions will be considered once the statutory body is formed.
3) For more information contact the home office press office on 020 7035 3535