TRA opens first case in response to application from UK industry
The TRA will investigate whether aluminium extrusions are being dumped in the UK by businesses in the People’s Republic of China.

The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has begun its first investigation in response to an application from a UK industry. The case was initiated on Monday 21 June.
The TRA will investigate whether aluminium extrusions are being dumped in the UK by businesses in the People’s Republic of China.
Aluminium extrusions are commonly used in the manufacture of heavy equipment, such as components for infrastructure projects like mining, oil and gas, chemical and refinery equipment. They can also be found in windows, doors and railings, cars, buses and trains, and air conditioners, personal watercraft and medical equipment.
Chief Executive of the Trade Remedies Authority Oliver Griffiths said:
This investigation into potential dumping of aluminium extrusions from China is the UK’s first new trade remedies case. We are encouraging all parties with interests in the UK aluminium extrusion market to contribute to our investigation into whether dumping has occurred and whether remedies are the right answer for the UK economy.
The TRA received an application supported by UK producers whose collective output constitutes at least half of the total production in the UK and has concluded that the application includes enough evidence to justify a full investigation.
The TRA will now seek information from all interested parties in order to establish whether aluminium extrusions have been dumped in the UK, whether that has harmed UK industry and whether it would be in the UK’s interests for measures to be put in place to mitigate that harm.
The TRA was established as an independent body earlier this month, following the passing of the Trade Act. View more information on the launch of the authority.
Background information:
- The Trade Remedies Authority is the UK body that investigates whether new trade remedy measures are needed to counter unfair import practices and unforeseen surges of imports.
- The TRA is an arm’s length body of the Department of International Trade (DIT) and launched on 1 June 2021. Before its launch, it operated as the Trade Remedies Investigations Directorate (TRID) of DIT.
- Trade remedy investigations were carried out by the EU Commission on the UK’s behalf until the UK left the EU. Forty-three EU trade remedy measures of interest to UK producers were carried across into UK law when the UK left the EU and the TRA is currently reviewing each one to assess whether it is suitable for UK needs.
- UK industries concerned about imports have been able to submit applications for a new trade remedy measure since January 2021. These applications are considered by the TRA to see if there are grounds for an investigation. This will be the first investigation the TRA carries out in response to an application from a UK industry.
- Anti-dumping measures are one of the three types of trade remedies – along with countervailing measures against countervailable subsidies and safeguard measures which address sudden, unforeseen floods of imports – that are allowed by the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
- The materials being investigated in this case are rolled, drawn, extruded, forged or cast aluminium extrusions exported from the People’s Republic of China, that are in the form of bars, rods, profiles, tubes and pipes.