TRA proposes measure on Argentinian biodiesel is maintained
In a Statement of Essential Facts, the TRA has proposed that the duty payable on imports of Argentinian biodiesel is maintained until February 2029.

The Trade Remedies Authority (TRA) has today (Friday 8 November) provisionally proposed that a countervailing measure on biodiesel imported from Argentina is maintained.
In a Statement of Essential Facts, the TRA proposed that the duty payable on imports of biodiesel from Argentina be kept at a range of 25%-33.4% until February 2029.
The products in scope of this review were “fatty-acid mono-alkylesters or paraffinic gasoils obtained from synthesis or hydrotreatment of non-fossil origin in pure form or as included in a blend, in pure form or as included in a blend” – commonly known as biodiesel.
During the period of investigation, the UK’s consumption of biodiesel was around 1.8 million metric tonnes. The UK’s demand for renewable fuel is driven by the Government’s aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, ultimately supporting its target of net zero by 2050.
The TRA found trends to suggest that UK biodiesel is a growth industry, but that the UK is one of few available markets for an increasing Argentinian production capacity.
As a result, the TRA determined that subsidised imports of Argentinian biodiesel would be likely to recur if the measures were no longer applied to those goods. Furthermore, as the UK biodiesel industry is in a vulnerable position, injury would likely recur if the countervailing measure was no longer applied.
Businesses that may be affected by these initial findings can comment on the SEF via the TRA’s online case platform until 29 November 2024.
Background information:
- The period of investigation for this transition review was 1 October 2022 – 30 September 2023 and the injury period was 1 October 2019 – 30 September 2023.
- At initiation,the products in scope of this review were “fatty-acid mono-alkylesters or paraffinic gasoils obtained from synthesis or hydrotreatment of non-fossil origin in pure form or as included in a blend, in pure form or as included in a blend”. The TRA intends to recommend a revision to the goods subject to the countervailing measure to explicitly exclude sustainable aviation fuel.
- The TRA is the UK body that investigates whether trade remedy measures are needed to counter unfair trading practices and unforeseen surges of imports.
- Trade remedy investigations were carried out by the European Commission on the UK’s behalf until the UK left the EU. A number of EU trade remedy measures of interest to UK producers were transitioned into UK law when the UK left the EU and the TRA has been reviewing each one as they approach expiry to assess whether they are suitable for the UK’s needs.