Transport Secretary: continue to follow government guidelines on travel despite warm weather
With warm weather this weekend people may feel tempted to head out more, but please stick to government guidance. You are saving lives by staying at home.

Don’t travel unless it is essential and particularly avoid using public transport this weekend.
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said:
I know that during the warm weather this weekend people may feel tempted to make the most of it and head out to nearby green spaces more than they have in recent weeks.
But I want to urge everyone to continue to follow government guidance; that means not travelling too far to exercise or walk pets, staying 2 metres away from other people when outside, and only making journeys when absolutely essential.
Please remember that anyone can get coronavirus and anyone can spread it – so stay home, protect the NHS, and save lives. As the Prime Minister has said, we will beat coronavirus, and we will beat it together. But to do that we need to stick with the guidance in place, and not break the regulations set to help tackle this outbreak.
And for those people in the transport sector continuing to work day in and day out to ensure frontline workers can get to work, I want to reiterate my heartfelt thanks at the efforts and dedication you’re showing in helping with this nationwide effort.

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