World news story


His Excellency the Governor, Peter Beckingham, chaired the 25th meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday, 7 October 2015, at the Hon. Hilly Ewing Building on Providenciales.

TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present except the Hon. Premier.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the Protection of Historic Wrecks Regulations 2015, subject to agreed amendments being made, for forwarding to the House of Assembly;

  • Approved a draft TCI Country Strategy Paper produced by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) following its Policy Reform Mission to TCI in August 2015 which will be considered at the next meeting of the CDB Board of Directors;

  • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve an amendment to Section 26 (1) (A) of the Hotel and Tourism (Taxation) Ordinance to expand the criteria for the designation of restaurants for tax purposes which will be covered under a new Order;

  • Received a presentation by the Public Works Department (PWD) on damage caused by the effects of Hurricane Joaquin to the seawall and road on Front Street on Grand Turk and approved the release of contingency funds to carry out emergency works to repair and stabilise the damaged Front Street area of Grand Turk as well as to enable clean up works in other areas of TCI which were most badly affected as a result of the effects of the storm. Cabinet also noted that further damage assessments across TCI will be carried out by PWD;

  • Approved the recommendations of the Department of Planning to establish designated zones on Providenciales for the construction of new developments up to 12 storeys on specified tourism-related coastal parcels on Grace Bay, the Bight and Turtle Cove starting from Emerald Point to Third Turtle, and instructed the Department of Planning to amend the TCI Development Manual accordingly. Ministers further instructed the Department of Planning to prepare zoning proposals for North West Point East on Providenciales to be considered at the next meeting of Cabinet;

  • Advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the draft Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Bill (2015) for forwarding to the House of Assembly;

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

Published 8 October 2015