World news story

Turks & Caicos post-cabinet meeting statement: 5 November 2020

Her Excellency the Acting Governor, Anya Williams, chaired the 43nd meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 5 November by video conference.

Hon. Hilly Ewing Building

All members were present.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • were updated on the state of the nation and discussed measures to further address and mitigate against any escalation of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • noted the financial performance of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government for the period April to September 2020.

  • approved amendments to the COVID-19 Stamp Duty Waiver Policy for the period 21 October to 20 December 2020, including removing the requirement for a charge against the property for a period of 5 years, effective 9 November 2020. Members also agreed to extend the 50% concession to 30 November 2020 and to accordingly adjust the 25% concession dates to 1-30 December 2020

  • were updated on TCIG debt procurement activities

  • approved the naming and renaming of the following Government Buildings given their significant contribution to the Turks and Caicos Islands within their profession and field of work:

    1. wellness Center, Grand Turk – “The Sylvia C Melhado Aged and Special Needs Center”,
    2. government Business Park, Providenciales (Formerly Sammy Been Plaza) – “Labour House”, “Border House” and “Enforcement House”,
    3. the National Stadium, Providenciales – “The Corena Walkin National Stadium”,
    4. early Childhood Blocks, Providenciales
    5. Ianthe Pratt Primary School – “The Jestina Delancy Early Childhood Center”
    6. Oseta Jolly Primary School – “The Cecily Ewing Early Childhood Center”
    7. Tender Loving Care Primary School – “Marjorie Bassett Early Childhood Center”
    8. long Bay High School, Providenciales – “The Louise Garland Thomas Junior High School”
  • approved the use of funds from the National Forfeiture Fund to facilitate the TCI’s community-based rehabilitative programs by the purchasing of an electronic monitoring system, drug kits and training as part of the “Chance for Change Initiative”

  • approved applications for Class A Processing and Export Licenses for Caicos Seafood Ltd. (South Caicos), Caicos Fisheries Ltd. (South Caicos) and Provo Seafood (Providenciales) for 2020-2021

  • approved amendments to sections 2 and 7 of the Firearm Related Offences (Detention and Bail) Ordinance (“the Ordinance”) 2020

  • approve the appointment of Wesley Clerveaux as CEO/Director of the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) for a period of three years with effect from 1 January 2021

  • approved the offering a Christmas salary advance of one (1) month’s basic salary (not including allowances) to all currently employed Public Officers and terms for re-payment

  • approved a list of special days and national public holidays for 2021

  • discussed the ongoing tax dispute with Beaches TCI

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

Published 30 November 2020