UK and Poland launch new electromobility initiative
UK Minister for Business and Industry and Polish Secretary of State launched “Driving Change Together” – a new global partnership for developing e-mobility.

eMobility showcase at the British Embassy Warsaw
“Driving Change Together” is a dedicated partnership for fostering technological and organisational changes to develop zero-emission transport.
The initiative was agreed by Minister for Business and Industry Richard Harrington MP and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Environment, Michal Kurtyka, ahead of the Polish presidency of COP 24. It will create a network of partnerships between cities, regional and national governments, and NGOs, and is designed to be a platform for building and sharing knowledge on electromobility and accelerating new e-mobility solutions on both local and international levels.
Minister Richard Harrington said upon agreeing on the new initiative:
Last month’s IPCC report was a stark warning of the potentially devastating effects of climate change, but with this challenge comes one of the greatest industrial opportunities of our time - clean growth. The UK leads the world in cutting emissions while growing our economy and just weeks ago we held the world’s first summit to accelerate global investment in zero emission technology and infrastructure. Ahead of COP24, the UK and Poland are calling on all countries to renew their efforts to accelerate the transition to low emission vehicles to create a cleaner, greener legacy for future generations.
Read the full text of the declaration on the COP24 website.