World news story

UK automotive technologies at Russia Autoinvest

Rapid growth of Russian automotive sector presents new opportunities for exporters.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

UK automotive component manufacturers took part in the Autoinvest 2014 exhibition, a major event for the automotive industry in Russia.

Opportunities in Russian automotive sector

Russia is the world’s fastest-growing automotive market today, and is one of the fast emerging automotive component markets in Europe. According to forecasts, the Russian automotive market may come up to 6th place among the top-ten world markets, outputting four million vehicles annually by 2020.

Taking into account the automotive production localisation programmes, implemented with Russian government support, there are a huge number of business opportunities for British companies. Among them:

  • participation in implementation of Euro 5

  • exports of engines and their components

  • cooperation in hybrid technologies

  • promotion of composite materials and alternative fuels cooperation

  • implementation of energy efficiency programmes

Autoinvest2014 exhibition

UKTI Russia organised a visit of British manufacturers to the Autoinvest 2014 international fair in Saint-Petersburg. Also, a round table «UK Automotive cluster: market overview and cooperation opportunities» was held, allowing the Autoinvest 2014 participants to discuss various issues, including:

  • modern trends of the automotive market development

  • current state of joint projects

  • new potential areas of partnership between Russian and British manufacturers

St Petersburg Consul General Keith Allan, British industrial enterprises and their Russian partners took part. He welcomed all participants of the British Round Table and encouraged cooperation between the UK and Russian companies in the automotive sector.

Feedback from participants

Stuart Whitehouse of Pamargan Products Ltd:

The Autoinvest programme was very informative and I believe gave all concerned an insight to the opportunities which exist within the Russian market place.

Robin Sheppard, EMR Group:

The whole process was very professionally organised by UKTI and the most useful part were the factory visits and the contacts that we have been able to make. We will continue to develop our Russian business and are confident that we can do much more both in the Automotive and Construction plant sectors.


If you are looking to develop your business in Russia’s automotive sector contact: Svetlana Bukanova , UKTI Russia

Tel: +7-495-956-7452


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Published 28 February 2014