World news story

UK encourages the development of public-private partnerships in Honduras and Central America

Senior economic officials from the United Kingdom and Central America, including Honduras, discussed mechanisms to successfully implement public-private partnerships (PPP) schemes in the region in a three-day seminar held by the British Embassy in Panama.

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PPP seminar

PPP seminar

British and Central American officials exchanged views on the UK experience in the development of PPPs, the legal framework surrounding the execution of such projects, and the planning process and social impact of these alliances. Both sides agreed that governments alone cannot meet the constantly growing demand for services, and there is a need to look for support from others, including the private sector.

The United Kingdom encourages the development of PPPs as one of the most promising forms of such collaboration. It is based on the recognition that both public and private sector can benefit from pooling their financial resources, know-how and expertise to improve the delivery of basic services, including infrastructure projects, to the public. Honduras is currently looking to develop such opportunities.

The Honduras delegation was led by the Chairman of the Honduran Public-Private Partnerships Office (SAPP), Mr. Carlos Pineda; the Executive Director of SAPP, Mrs. Nicolle Suazo; and three representatives from the Commission for the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships of Honduras (COALIANZA), Mrs. Suyapa Thumann, Mrs. Liana Bueso and Mr. Osman Castellanos. The UK delegation was co-chaired by Mr. Javier Encinas and Mr. James Ballingall, both experts from Infrastructure UK, a unit within the Treasury that works on the UK’s long-term infrastructure priorities and secures private sector investment.

The UK-Central America training cooperation on PPPs started early this year with an introductory workshop in London, followed by this seminar in Panama and will conclude with a tour to the region by the FCO’s Head of Central American Economic Affairs, James Beeson, and Infrastructure UK experts, to explore project opportunities.

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Published 1 December 2015