UK Exhibitors comment on Smart Cities in Barcelona
The Congress gathered over 400 cities and 162 exhibiting companies. Martin Phelan, Director UKTI, Iberia interviewed British exhibitors.

The government is already supporting investment in this sector. This investment includes around £95 million of research into smart cities funded by Research Councils UK, £50 million over 5 years earmarked for the new Future Cities Catapult centre being established by the Technology Strategy Board in London, and £33 million invested in future city demonstrators earlier this year.
On 19-21 November, the “Smart cities change the world” exhibition gathered in Barcelona experts and leaders from across the world who discussed initiatives on areas such as energy, mobility, ICT, urban planning and people.
UK Exhibitors comment on Smart Cities in Barcelona
Future Cities Catapult is a global centre of excellence on urban innovation. A place where cities, businesses and universities come together to develop solutions to the future needs of our cities. More info on Future Cities Catapult.
About future city demonstrators: Glasgow, Bristol, Peterborough, London
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