UK firms could miss out on huge energy savings
UK businesses risk missing out on savings of £250m each year if they fail to reap the benefits of a new scheme aimed at reducing their energy bills and consumption.

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), which is administered by the Environment Agency, encourages UK businesses to reduce their energy consumption with the triple benefit of saving money, increasing energy security and cutting carbon emissions.
All UK businesses that employ at least 250 people, or have an annual turnover above £38.9m and an annual balance sheet total above £33.4m, must take part in the scheme. This covers about 10,000 organisations, which consume around a third of the UK’s energy. ESOS requires businesses to carry out assessments and identify cost-effective energy savings measures.
Businesses have until 5 December 2015 to confirm that they have implemented the scheme and the Environment Agency is urging business leaders to take action ahead of this deadline.
Jo Scully, the Environment Agency’s ESOS project lead, said:
“We know that many businesses are working hard on their ESOS preparations but it is vital that all businesses check to see if they need to take part by visiting the GOV.UK website as soon as possible:
“This scheme will save all of these companies money as well as bringing significant environmental benefits. The government has calculated that if businesses covered by ESOS reduce their energy use by just 0.7 per cent, they will save around £250m each year.”
The Environment Agency plans to publish its approach towards addressing non-compliance in October. Details will also be provided through the ESOS newsletter. Those wishing to be on the mailing list for the newsletter should email the ESOS helpdesk:
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