UK-France Cyber Dialogue: 11 May 2023
The fourth UK-France Cyber Dialogue was held in Paris on 11 May 2023, in line with the commitment made at the 36th Franco-British Summit on 10 March 2023.

On this occasion, France and the United Kingdom reaffirmed their commitment to continue cooperation in the field of cyberspace to promote security and stability in a free, open, inclusive, non-fragmented and secure cyberspace. Both countries reaffirmed their engagement to uphold the normative framework based on international law that applies to the conduct of States in cyberspace.
During this dialogue, France and the United Kingdom shared their analysis of the threat and presented the latest developments in their respective cybersecurity policies. They exchanged on their priorities for the ongoing discussions in the various multilateral fora, in particular at the UN where they continue to coordinate their efforts to set up an ambitious Programme of Action on cybersecurity, as well as in the “multi-stakeholder” framework of the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace.
Following UK-France Joint Leaders’ Declaration of 10 March 2023, the two countries discussed the implementation of a joint initiative to take forward international action and our shared ambition to address the threat from commercial cyber proliferation, including commercial spyware.
The two countries also continued discussions on the prospects for strengthening bilateral coordination in response to cyber threats, including via cooperation for ensuring cybersecurity of major events and in the fight against cybercrime.
Finally, the British delegation was invited on Friday 12 May 2023 to visit the new Cyber Campus inaugurated in 2022 in the heart of La Défense. The two countries exchanged on their approaches to fostering the development of a cyber ecosystem