Press release

UK helps secure UN Security Council Resolution on defeating ISIL

The UN Security Council voted unanimously to adopt Resolution 2249, which condemned the 13 November attacks in Paris and others in the Middle East, including those in Sousse on 25 June in which 30 Britons were murdered.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said:

The horrific attacks in Paris have stiffened the resolve of the international community in its determination to defeat ISIL, whose acts of terror in Europe and the Middle East aim to challenge our basic values and way of life.

The United Nations Security Council has demonstrated the unity of the international community in working to defeat ISIL. We must all act by continuing to cut off its finance, severing its access to oil and stemming the flow of foreign fighters, in addition to the military action we are taking against this evil ideology. ISIL’s murderous violence requires a strong security response. That is why the UK is working as part of the Global Coalition to degrade and defeat ISIL in Syria and Iraq and, when necessary, striking against those who pose a threat to the UK, and our people and interests.

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Published 20 November 2015