World news story

UK migration policy - update

The UK government remains committed to tackling immigration abuse and is looking at a range of options.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

A British High Commission spokesperson said:

The British Prime Minister’s message is loud and clear. The UK wants the brightest and the best to help create the jobs and growth that will enable Britain to compete in the global race. So, for example, if you are an overseas businessperson seeking to invest and trade with world class businesses, one of the thousands of legitimate students keen to study at our first-class universities or a tourist visiting our world class attractions, be in no doubt: Britain is open for business.

The UK government remains committed to tackling immigration abuse and is looking at a range of options. One of those options is a financial bond. The government intends to run a pilot scheme for such bonds, tightly targeted at a small number of visa applicants assessed to pose a high risk of overstaying. But no decisions have been taken on the detail of how such a pilot scheme would work in practice. Any such scheme will be designed in a way that does not cut across the UK’s wish to be open for business, students and tourists.

Further Information

Senior UK and Indian officials are scheduled to meet in London in late-July for a comprehensive dialogue on visa related issues. Financial bonds are expected to be on the agenda.

Marcus Winsley, Director, Press and Communications, British High Commission, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 Tel: 44192100; Fax: 24192411,

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Published 26 June 2013