UK Minister visits Uzbekistan to build on bilateral relations
Leo Docherty, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the FCDO, visited Uzbekistan from 6 to 7 June, 2023 as part of his Central Asia trip.

The aim of Leo Docherty’s visit was to build on bilateral relations between the UK and Uzbekistan on trade, security, defence and other areas.
During the visit, the Minister met with a range of government officials in Uzbekistan. During his meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister Gayrat Fazilov, the bilateral relationship and domestic reform agenda were discussed, alongside key foreign policy and security issues including Russia’s war in Ukraine, China, and the situation in Afghanistan.
Minister Leo Docherty MP also met with the Deputy Minister of Investments, Industry, and Trade, Badriddin Abidov to discuss the bilateral trade and investment relationship, including UK support for Uzbekistan’s succession to the WTO and our work through the ‘Effective Governance for Economic Development’ programme.
The Minister also visited the Applied Arts Museum to get a sense of Uzbekistan’s history and culture. Finally, he met with the British Council Director in Uzbekistan, Denise Waddingham.
At the end of his visit the Minister said:
Uzbekistan is an important partner for the UK. We are expanding our close trade ties and our cooperation in education, governance, security and the fight against climate change.
“Last year we celebrated 30 years of diplomatic relations. We already do so much together, and I look forward to strengthening the relationship and seeing what the next 30 years hold.”
Further background
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