News story

UK organisations sign new deals in China

British organisations signed deals worth more than £250 million during the largest ever healthcare trade mission to China.

Signing cermony

Jeremy Hunt and Deborah Kobewka with representatives of TPP Ltd, JoinForWin and government officials from Zhejiang Health Commission

30 UK organisations participated in the largest ever healthcare mission to China, visiting Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

The mission was timed to coincide with the UK-China High Level People to People Dialogue (P2P) in Shanghai co-chaired by Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP and Chinese Vice Premier, Liu Yandong.

During the mission, Healthcare UK renewed its Memorandum of Understanding with Zhejiang Health Commission on training and innovation.

In Shanghai, Mr Hunt witnessed the signing of 11 agreements on healthcare between UK and Chinese companies, with a total value exceeding £250 million.

He also opened the Integrated Care Demonstrator where the UK participants were able to showcase their innovative solutions for integrated health and care services to their Chinese counterparts.

The Integrated Healthcare Demonstrator in Shanghai

The Integrated Healthcare Demonstrator in Shanghai

Exhibition of UK companies

Business matching sessions

Hospital operation joint venture

International Hospitals Group (IHG) and China’s Dalian Wanda Group deepened their relationship by signing a 20 year joint venture to operate the first of Wanda’s hospitals, the Qingdao Wanda IHG International Hospital, in Shandong Province. The 200-bed hospital, located close to Wanda’s new movie metropolis in the Huangdao District of Qingdao, will open in 2018.

This will also be the first project that will benefit from IHG’s collaboration with Cambridge University Judge Business School . Innovative leadership programmes will equip the next generation of clinical leaders in China with skills to meet the challenges of 21st century healthcare for the benefit of patients in China.

Signing ceremony

IHG and Wanda signing their agreement

To find out more about healthcare opportunities in China, contact Healthcare UK

Full list of announcements

UK organisation Chinese partner Announcement
Annie Barr International Galilee Biotech A joint venture between to create a new company, Annie Barr Galilee International, to develop expert training programmes and raise overall standards in the provision of healthcare services.
British Medical Journal (BMJ) Guangdong Family Doctor’s Association An agreement for the distribution of the BMJ’s Integrated Digital Solution for Doctors’ training nationwide.
Bourn Hall Ltd Zhoushan Maternal and Children’s Health Hospital A collaboration to provide expert medical services to the Zhoushan Bourn Reproductive Hospital, including assisted reproductive technology training, academic support and medical consultation
GSK Ali-Health A partnership between GSK and Alibaba to establish an innovative O2O (Online to Offline) platform to provide a cervical cancer prevention information service. This will leverage social media to drive better disease awareness to encourage women to be vaccinated at their nearest Point of Vaccination.
IHG Dalian Wanda Group A joint venture to operate the Qingdao Wanda IHG International Hospital, in Shandong Province and a new collaboration with the Cambridge University Judge Business School to deliver innovative leadership programmes.
Royal Liverpool University Hospital CERNO/ Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare An agreement to bringing the world’s first 100,000 crystal PET-CT scanner to the UK. The machine will be housed within the new Northern Imaging Foundation Centre to provide both research and clinical benefit to the NHS.
Shaw Healthcare Sunjin Capital (a Fosun subsidiary) An agreement to form a joint venture for the operation by Shaw of a new nursing home development in Ningbo.
TPP JoinForWin An MOU between TPP and JoinForWin Co. to introduce ‘The British Health Butler service’ project in Changzhou, Jiangsu
University College London (UCL) Shenzhen Government An MOU between UCL and the Shenzhen Government to provide cancer education, training and research. Collaboration areas include a new UCL-Shenzhen Cancer Institute, a Proton Beam Therapy Centre, Master Degrees and CPD training, technology transfer from UCL to Shenzhen.
Published 22 December 2016