UK statement on ongoing violence in Sudan
The UK has strongly condemned the ongoing violence between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support forces in Khartoum and multiple cities across Sudan.

The UK strongly condemns the ongoing violence between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support forces in Khartoum and multiple cities across Sudan. It must stop immediately. The UK expresses its heartfelt regret for the loss of innocent lives by those caught up in this violence and calls on the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces to cease all hostilities against each other. Now is the time for the Sudanese leadership to deescalate tensions and prevent further bloodshed.
The UK calls on Sudanese leadership to return to dialogue. After months of fruitful political discussion, and real progress towards the return of a civilian-led transition, military action is not the solution. Long term peace is possible, but only through open, honest and pragmatic discussion.
The UK stands in solidarity with the people of Sudan in their demands for a peaceful and democratic future. Innocent civilians should not pay the price of their futures due to this violence.