UK statement on the death of Georgian citizen Archil Tatunashvili
Her Majesty´s Ambassador, Justin McKenzie Smith, calls for a full investigation into the death of Archil Tatunashvili in South Ossetia, Georgia.

We are deeply concerned by the death of Georgian citizen, Mr Archil Tatunashvili, while under detention in South Ossetia and express our condolences to his family.
We expect the de facto authorities to ensure that there is a full, open and transparent investigation into the death, and to allow the two Georgian citizens detained with Mr Tatunashvili to travel to Tbilisi-Administered Territory without delay.
This tragic incident highlights the dangers and human suffering caused by the conflicts in Georgia, and illustrates the need for those in de facto control of South Ossetia to allow full and unhindered access for international human rights and humanitarian institutions. This latest incident underlines the need for additional measures to ensure transparency and improve confidence.
We take this opportunity to reaffirm our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognised borders.