UK Statement to the WHO on AMR
The UK emphasised the importance of One Health National Action Plans and urged the WHO to keep AMR high on the political agenda.

The UK fully aligns with the statement delivered by Romania on behalf of the EU and its Member States.
In addition we would like to emphasise how critical it is that Member States move from the development to the implementation of multi-sectoral One Health National Action Plans. To do this, the UK would like to see WHO continuing to prioritise AMR within the GPW and we request that a new cross-cutting platform able to coordinate all relevant departments and functions is implemented with adequate funding as a matter of urgency. This activity should not be limited to the threat of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria, but all aspects of AMR.
We also urge WHO to continue to play its part in keeping AMR high on the political agenda. We understand that WHO will be preparing the AMR report for the UN Secretary General. We urge WHO to make the report as ambitious as possible, in line with the IACG’s recommendations, and to ensure it is fully engaging with Member States and other interested parties.
Finally, the UK would like to see rapid progress on the Global Development and Stewardship Framework and asks that WHO sets out clear next steps for this imminently.