UK still concerned about reported irregularities during Zimbabwe elections
Minister for Africa hopes Southern African Development Community Summit will tackle reported irregularities during Zimbabwe elections.

Minister for Africa, Mark Simmonds said:
Ahead of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit this weekend in Malawi, the UK Government continues to be concerned about Zimbabwe’s disputed elections.
I hope that SADC will look carefully at the electoral irregularities and continue to call for Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to release information, particularly the voters’ roll. These irregularities seriously call into question the credibility of the elections.
We are disappointed and concerned that some political parties have felt it necessary to withdraw legal applications due to concerns about the independence of the process. We believe it is essential that all allegations of electoral violations are thoroughly and independently investigated if a process is to be credible. I hope SADC’s leaders will use their summit this weekend to address this issue.
We will continue to support Zimbabwe and its people in their aspirations for a democratic, peaceful and prosperous future.
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