UK university success in Malaysia
UK universities and colleges continue to enjoy success in Malaysia’s education sector with 3 new campuses and further business opportunities.

Reading University, Herriot-Watt University and Epsom College are setting up campuses in Malaysia in the next two years. This follows on from Newcastle University’s Medical School, the University of Southampton’s Engineering School and Marlborough School all opening in 2012 and the University of Nottingham being the first British university to set up in Malaysia in 2000.
The education sector is a great success for the UK in Malaysia and as Malaysia seeks to achieve its aim of becoming a regional hub for higher education in Southeast Asia there are other very promising opportunities for the UK education sector.
Education sector in Malaysia
Education is a national priority in Malaysia with £50 billion support allocated to the sector in the country’s five year plan (2011-2015). UK education and skills exports worldwide are worth about £27 billion annually, making the UK a world leader in this dynamic sector.
Malaysia is the largest market for UK transnational higher education provision (TNE). There are almost four times as many Malaysia-based students studying UK higher education programmes than Malaysians studying in the UK, according to data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Malaysia’s aim to become a regional educational hub will further raise demand for TNE.
Links between the UK and Malaysian education sectors
There are currently about 14,000 Malaysian students in the UK to further their studies and an additional 58,000 either studying for UK degree programmes or undertaking UK professional qualifications in Malaysia.
UK and Malaysian education ties have both strength and depth. The British Council has operated in Malaysia since 1947 and each year 150,000 people attend British Council events or take part in their activities. Around 60 UK tertiary institutions have links or collaborative arrangements with Malaysian counterparts and Malaysia has the third largest Chevening programme in the world. UKTI’s brochure provides a further overview of the UK education sector in Malaysia.
Examples of UK success in Malaysia
For further information about developing your business in Malaysia’s education & training sector please contact UKTI Kuala Lumpur:
Mr Siva Somasundram, Senior Trade & Investment Manager, Education & Training
Tel: +60 3 2170 2233
Ms Shuba Karun, Assistant Trade Manager, Education & Training
Tel: +60 3 2170 2252