World news story

UK’s International Programme Fund: call for bids for 2024 to 2025

The British High Commission in Yaounde is accepting bids by 25 July 2024 for the UK’s International Programme Fund for the 2024 to 2025 financial year.


The British High Commission in Yaounde is inviting partner organisations in Cameroon to submit bids of up to £40,000 to support Cameroon’s democratic process.

The bidding process will be competitive with the strongest bids being selected.

The bidding process will open on 1 July and the deadline for submitting bids is Thursday, 25 July 2024.

During this period, implementing organisations are welcome to send questions regarding the bid. This will be an opportunity to get more information about the proposal. Answers will be published online in a Q&A document.

We will aim to inform the winning bid within 2 weeks of the closing date.


The right to participate in political and economic activities is fundamental to achieving democratic governance, social inclusion, and economic development, and realising human rights and the rule of law. Legal provisions in Cameroon protect this right. This project aims to encourage its practice, through political and economic inclusion, particularly of women and young people by promoting more effective civic engagement, political participation and community activism. It will include sharing best practice in problem-solving, creative thinking, and planning the free exchange of ideas, effective activism, and community responsibility, defence of human rights and the practice of responsible journalism.

Theory of change

Governance will better reflect and address the needs and perspectives of women and young people if the following occur:

  • if they can engage constructively and meaningfully with local, regional, and national authorities
  • if they jointly address shared community needs; and
  • if participation in politics and economic activity supports political inclusion and economic development

Main objective

The main objective of the project is to help Cameroon develop more inclusive and participatory governance and open and responsive institutions.

Specific objectives

  • to promote diversity and inclusion among young people and encourage responsible journalism
  • to promote meaningful civic and political participation among young people

Timing and budget

The project will be expected to start in August or September 2024 and project activity should be completed by 31 March 2025. The confirmed budget for the project is £40,000. Proposals should, however, build in flexibility to scale up (to an additional £30,000) to continue the project to a second year (April 2025 to March 2026) should need arise and provided additional funds are available. 

Proposed selection criteria

Bids will be judged on:

  • potential impact (including the scope of the project and the likelihood of achieving that impact)
  • evidence that the bidding organisation has relevant prior experience.
  • value for money
  • sustainability, including the potential for the project to be scaled up or replicated.
  • the capacity of the bidding organisation, including a track record of previous successful projects.
  • proper presentation of project objectives and budget.

Bidders may choose to form a consortium with other organisations; however, the lead organisation must submit one bid form on behalf of the consortium partners.

Email completed project proposal form (ODT, 25.8 KB) and Activity Based Budget template (ODS, 9.93 KB) to the British High Commission at  by Thursday, 25 July 2024. Project bids received after this date will not be considered.


Change, impact and realism (weighting: 25%)

Change: does the project purpose describe the intended change (not just a list of activities)? Are the short- and long-term project impacts clearly demonstrated?

Impact: is there a logical flow from the project’s aim through the indicators and activities to the desired – and lasting – change?

Realism: is it too ambitious or promise change without sound reasoning and a solid base of evidence? Is it something the UK Government should be funding at all? Are other donors doing similar activities? Do the activities look like they will deliver the outputs/project purpose?

Sustainability (weighting: 15%)

Are the stated assumptions on sustainability too optimistic? How realistic is it that the changes will continue after the funding runs out?

Flexibility (weighting: 10%)

How well does the proposal demonstrate the ability to deploy quickly, and flex and respond to changing and challenging circumstances; including a draft plan for scaling up.

Cost and budget (weighting: 15%)

How well the proposal demonstrates the: 

  • detailed and costed budget proposal demonstrating a breakdown of all costs including supply chain costs; detailing and linked to the outputs and deliverables in the statement of requirements
  • approach to deliver value for money using the ‘4e’s’ framework (economy, efficiency, effectiveness, equity)
  • proposed payment plan with supporting explanations/justification for the timing, payment value and need for each payment proposed.

Compliance (weighting: 10%)

How well the proposal demonstrates:

  • evidence/assurance of the following 3 policies: safeguarding (for the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse), whistleblowing, and bullying and Harassment?
  • approach to risk management (including, but not limited to, anti-corruption, fraud, and safeguarding strategies)?

Speed (weighting: 10%)

How quickly is the organisation able to:

  • mobilise to implement the required activities?
  • leverage existing platforms?

Working with others – journalist, ELecam, MPs, human rights activists, CSOs (weighting: 15%)

Does the organisation demonstrate an approach to work with others:

  • other donors funded programmes
  • key stakeholders (including Government of Cameroon and civil society)

Contractual obligations

1. Duty of care

The implementer is responsible for the safety and well-being of their personnel and third parties affected by their activities under this contract, including appropriate security arrangements.

The implementer must confirm in their response that:

  • they fully accept responsibility for Security and Duty of Care
  • they understand the potential risks and have the knowledge and experience to develop an effective risk plan
  • they have the capability to manage their Duty of Care responsibilities throughout the life of the contract

2. Conflict of interest

As part of bid submission, suppliers should provide evidence that they have adequate processes and procedures in place for the identification and mitigation of potential conflicts of interest. This includes transparent identification of individuals who may be politically exposed persons.


The implementing organisation will report to and work closely with the British High Commission in Yaounde. The implementer will be expected to submit a formal narrative progress and financial reports at the end of the project on or before 31 March 2025.

Updates to this page

Published 3 July 2024
Last updated 8 July 2024 show all updates
  1. Deadline for submitting proposals extended. New deadline - 25 July 2024.

  2. First published.