UN HRC52: Statement on children in armed conflict
During the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council, the UK delivered a statement on children in armed conflict.
Thank you, Mr President.
Let me begin by thanking the Special Representative for her work and extensive global advocacy on this issue.
The number of grave violations committed against children is alarming. The dramatic rise of conflict-related sexual violence against children around the world is a scourge which cannot be ignored.
The UK is committed to supporting all survivors and children born of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and taking concerted action in preventing such heinous crimes.
At the UK hosted Conference on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence last year, a new Platform for Action Promoting the Rights and Wellbeing of Children Born of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence was launched. We encouraged all member states to join us and other stakeholders, in committing to action under this Platform’s framework.
We are also concerned about the use of explosive remnants of war and the surge in improvised explosive devices which disproportionately affect children. The UK will continue to share good practice and strengthen cooperation with our partners.
Madam Special Representative,
Could you please provide an update on the situation in Ukraine, Ethiopia and Mozambique and the work your office is doing to support children in those countries?
Thank you.