UN Human Rights Council 42: interactive dialogue with independent expert on human rights by older persons
UK representative acknowledges the serious issues that older persons face, and we will play a strong role in the promotion and protection of their rights.
The Human Rights Council is held in Geneva.
The United Kingdom thanks the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, and the Special Rapporteur on the right to development, for their reports. We would like to address our remarks to Ms Kornfeld-Matte.
Global population ageing is one of the greatest social and economic challenges of this century; it has, and will continue to have, substantive policy implications. The UK remains committed to the rights of all persons, whatever their age. We acknowledge the serious issues that older persons face, and we will play a strong role in the promotion and protection of their rights.
As we have said previously, the UK believes that States should promote equality in older age, and the full participation and inclusion of older persons in all aspects of society based on equal respect for the dignity of older persons. We consider that States should consider the differential impact of their decisions, in particular age-based policies, on older persons.
Emergency situations highlight the intersecting challenges faced by older people. The independent expert’s report rightly highlights many of the risks older people face, for example in relation to land and property rights, income and work, and health and shelter. We would agree that specific measures, built on strong data and rigorous assessments of needs, should be adopted that support the requirements of older people.
Ms Kornfeld-Matte,
How can states improve the data they have on older people’s needs in emergency situations, so they can use this to provide better support?