UN Human Rights Council 56: Statement on Discrimination Against Women and Girls
UK statement for the Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women and Girls.

Thank you Madam Vice President,
We would like to start by thanking the Working Group for their continued research and steadfast efforts to end discrimination against women and girls around the world. Their recent report shines a much-needed light on the challenges we face, particularly the erosion of women’s and girls’ rights, as well as the opportunities for progress.
The UK was particularly pleased to read of the 40 plus constitutional changes to advance women’s and girls’ rights over the past decade. However, we share your concerns around the heightened backlash and recognise the need for concerted collective efforts to counter it.
Until we end all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls, we cannot ensure empowerment. Until we ensure that every girl and woman realise their right to education, we cannot achieve gender equality.
To make this a reality, we must take urgent collective action around the world to ensure that we leave no one behind.
Members of the Working Group,
We would welcome more information on how your report could shape the upcoming Summit of the Future.
Thank you.