UN Human Rights Council 57: Core Group Statement on Sri Lanka
Core Group statement on the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. Delivered by the UK at the 57th Human Rights Council.

Thank you Mr President,
This statement is on behalf of Canada, Malawi, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
High Commissioner,
We welcome your report on Sri Lanka.
We share your concern about the impact on human rights and fundamental freedoms of several new or proposed laws. All legislation, including that relating to counter terrorism, online safety, and civil society must align with Sri Lanka’s human rights obligations.
Civil society, journalists and impacted communities face sustained surveillance and harassment. We also are concerned about reports of arbitrary arrests and torture. We reiterate the need to promote and protect the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, including during memorialisation events.
While we welcome the return of some military-held land to civilian control, we stress the importance of addressing land disputes in the north and east, which exacerbate inter-communal tensions and impact the ability of communities to freely practice their faith.
As Sri Lanka approaches elections we urge the government to re-engage with the Human Rights Council process; to build a conducive environment for meaningful reconciliations and transitional justice; and to ensure mechanisms are independent, inclusive, transparent, and address the priorities of affected communities.
We remain ready to support Sri Lanka in addressing these concerns.