Understanding the UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) Labour Market
The government is carrying out research to understand and measure the UK AI labour market. This will help inform future policy and strategy.
![Understanding the UK AI Labour Market](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5f350d7dd3bf7f1b1b53e871/s300_GOV.UK_page_image_1.jpg)
The government is undertaking a survey of UK businesses and charities to help understand the UK AI labour market.
The research will examine:
- the skills relating to AI and data science that organisations need
- their approach to employing and training AI and data science professionals
- the issues they face during this process
The research will inform Government policy to promote AI-related skills.
The government has asked Ipsos MORI (an independent research organisation) to carry out the research. This is taking place from August to October 2020.
During this period some organisations will be called by an Ipsos MORI interviewer from their Edinburgh office inviting them to take part.
The government and Ipsos MORI can give the following reassurances about the survey:
- taking part is totally confidential and anonymous for all individuals and organisations
- the survey is not technical and participants do not need any specific AI knowledge
- Ipsos MORI would still like to speak to businesses and charities even if they do not have a dedicated AI or data science team. The interviewer will ask some questions at the start of the survey to find out whether an organisation is eligible to take part
Who is being invited to take part?
Ipsos MORI and their research partners Perspective Economics have identified businesses and charities to contact for the survey, using a list compiled from various commercial business databases. Organisations were selected if they appear to use AI or data science technology. Organisations will be included in the survey even if AI or data science is only used in a small part of their work.
Within these organisations, Ipsos MORI would like to speak to the person with most knowledge of the organisation’s need for AI and data science skills:
- in some organisations this might be the head of a data science team
- in organisations focused on AI and data science it may be the head of recruitment or HR
- in smaller organisations, this person may be the business owner or one of the charity trustees
What does participation involve?
Participation will involve a telephone interview with an interviewer from Ipsos MORI. On average, interviews last around 15 minutes, though the actual interview length may vary depending on the answers that you give.
If you consent to take part in a follow-up interview, these will last around 45 minutes and are expected to take place between November 2020 and January 2021. The interview will take place at a time that is convenient for you.